Oleg Kapush | Designer, Creative Director, Fotograf, Tennis player

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Showing all posts tagged "News"

Lazy Paint: No Talent, No Problem

So you want to be a great painter? And your only problem is that you have no talent? And you are too lazy to learn? No problem! Welcome to Lazy Paint. Take a photo and Lazy Paint automatically chooses the best colors and applies them to your brush. So don't worry! Be lazy!


Leica wprowadza ekskluzywny aparat i wystawę fotografii '007 Edition"' z okazji nadchodzącego filmu o Bondzie Nowa, limitowana Leika Q2 '007 Edition', powstała aby uczcić premierę 25. przygody z Bondem, . Ograniczony do 250 sztuk aparat emanuje subtelną elegancją – podobnie jak James Bond – naznaczoną charakterystycznym minimalistycznym designem Leiki.



Note: This blog post and brush set was originally created by Michelle Li

No more lazy days of summer if you’re a student or teacher. It’s time for you to go back to school. To help you get in the mood (if that’s possible), we created a special set of colored pencil brushes you can download and install that will get you back to the basics.

Using colored pencils takes a bit of practice — go big on the color when you practice.

Download the Free Brush Set

Simply download the Colored Pencils Brush Set for SketchBook and install it in the app, and you’ll always have a big batch of colored pencils on hand. We’ve created 25 brushes for you that represent a whole lot of different colors, including a white pencil for highlights and a colorless blender for smudging and smearing. While colored pencils are much more precise than basic art supplies like crayons, they aren’t completely clinical and one-note. They should have a little bit of texture to them, so we’ve made sure each of these 25 brushes have some slight variations.

Don’t forget you can change your background color, quickly choose complementary colors, and even add textured backgrounds.

Stretching Yourself with Colored Pencils

Do you remember drawing with colored pencils? What kind of things did you draw? This is a great opportunity for you to reconnect with the humble but noble colored pencil. Try these techniques:

  • Contrast your shading: Give yourself a refresher on shading by trying to shade using two contrasting or even complementary colors. One neat trick in SketchBook that you may not be aware of: When you choose any Copic Color, you’ll see a "Complementary Copic Color" suggested at the bottom of the Copic Library window.
  • Toned paper: Your background doesn’t have to be white. In fact, we remember drawing with colored pencils on colored paper, which taught us a thing or two about color. On the Background layer of your SketchBook file, you’ll see a white circle. Click on that to quickly choose a new background color.
  • Textured backgrounds: We remember placing our sheet of paper on books or tables or things that had texture to them, which would "indent" the paper a bit so that the texture showed though. You can do that in SketchBook by importing a texture and playing with its opacity or by trying out different Layer Styles. Don’t want any texture at all? Use that colorless blender to smooth it all out.
  • Banish extremes: Try not to use black and white at all. It’s tempting to always use white for highlights, but with colored pencils you have tons of colors to choose instead. Use pink or light blue or yellow for highlights or dark blues or purples instead of the standard black and white.

Installing the Brush Set

Being able to share and install these weekly free brush sets in the desktop app is one of the features for SketchBook subscribers. If you’re using the latest desktop version of SketchBook, simply double click on the .skbrushes file, and it will automatically install.

Weekly News for Designers № 602 - Refactoring CSS, Gridless Design, The New CSS Reset, Free Boxicons Icon Collection

Weekly News for Designers № 602

Pattern Collect – Browse this curated gallery of patterns from around the web.

Designing for the Unexpected – Thoughts on designing for situations and devices you didn’t anticipate.

GradientArt – Give this feature-packed, web-based CSS gradient editor a try.

The Current State of Homepage UX – 8 Common Pitfalls – A look at how well various eCommerce sites are doing, along with things to avoid in your own projects.

Refactoring CSS: Introduction (Part 1) – Dive into the process of analyzing your code, identifying weaknesses and creating solutions.

gridless.design – Interesting thoughts on moving beyond grid-based design.

Is It Time for Web Designers to Retire the Slider? – The slider was once a catch-all solution. But perhaps it has outlived its usefulness?

inLine – Use this free JavaScript library to create a simple text editor.

The New CSS Reset – Remove the default browser styling for HTML elements with this updated take on the classic CSS reset.

Items Every Web Designer Should Have in Their Office – From the basics to the frivolous, a collection of things to enhance your office.

10 Free CSS Snippets for Creating Responsive Pricing Tables – Build the perfect pricing table for your project with the help of these code snippets.

Illustrations – Use this Figma plugin to import high-quality free illustrations into your project.

Boxicons – Download this collection of beautifully simple vector icons.

CSS Bookmarklets for Testing and Fixing – How to build and test your own bookmarklets, with lots of examples included.

The 15 Best Free Graffiti Fonts – Create something that stands out with these free graffiti fonts.

ReSizr.in – This online tool will double the size of an uploaded image and reduce noise.

How To Network Properly: Networking For Designers 101 – How to adopt a refreshing approach to networking.

SketchKeys – These stickers provide a handy way to learn various keyboard shortcuts. Available for Figma, Sketch, Photoshop and more.