Oleg Kapush | Designer, Creative Director, Fotograf, Tennis player

Hello Hola Bonjour Ciao :) 🐱‍💻

Showing all posts tagged "Ifttt"

#photographylovers #canonstories #powershot #wędkarstwo #balticsea #taktowidzę #sopot w: Sopot, Poland https://t.co/Om8xyQYbjE

#photographylovers #canonstories #powershot #wędkarstwo #balticsea #taktowidzę #sopot w: Sopot, Poland https://t.co/Om8xyQYbjE

— Oleg Kapush (@inviz3000) Nov 12, 2022

via Twitter https://twitter.com/inviz3000

November 12, 2022 at 07:36PM

#impreza #nightlife w: ERGO ARENA https://t.co/nbi4HylIOG

#impreza #nightlife w: ERGO ARENA https://t.co/nbi4HylIOG

— Oleg Kapush (@inviz3000) Nov 7, 2022

via Twitter https://twitter.com/inviz3000

November 07, 2022 at 12:34PM

#jestemzgdanska "Konkurs! Karta Mieszkańca w nowej szacie": https://t.co/ackBuezq4P

#jestemzgdanska "Konkurs! Karta Mieszkańca w nowej szacie": https://t.co/ackBuezq4P

— Oleg Kapush (@inviz3000) Nov 6, 2022

via Twitter https://twitter.com/inviz3000

November 06, 2022 at 07:09PM

#night #sky #stars #huaweinextimage https://t.co/comf3eQQ0e

#night #sky #stars #huaweinextimage https://t.co/comf3eQQ0e

— Oleg Kapush (@inviz3000) Nov 5, 2022

via Twitter https://twitter.com/inviz3000

November 05, 2022 at 10:37AM

Check out new work on my @Behance profile: "E-MIRATES" https://t.co/K2lOObj6wM

Check out new work on my @Behance profile: "E-MIRATES" https://t.co/K2lOObj6wM

— Oleg Kapush (@inviz3000) Oct 31, 2022

via Twitter https://twitter.com/inviz3000

October 31, 2022 at 02:12PM

Goya, Carrière and the Ghost of Bunuel: interview with José Luis Lopez-Linares https://t.co/KYX844Jbuw

Goya, Carrière and the Ghost of Bunuel: interview with José Luis Lopez-Linares https://t.co/KYX844Jbuw

— Oleg Kapush (@inviz3000) Oct 31, 2022

via Twitter https://twitter.com/inviz3000

October 31, 2022 at 12:50PM

Poradniki, z którymi spełnisz postanowienia noworoczne!

2022 właśnie się zaczyna, a wraz z nim wiele osób planuje nową listę postanowień noworocznych. Co zrobić, żeby tym razem faktycznie je spełnić, a nie porzucić jeszcze w styczniu? Oto lista poradników psychologicznych i książek z zakresu rozwoju osobistego, które mogą wam w tym pomóc!

„Jak zmieniać", Katy Milkman

Wszyscy mamy negatywne cechy czy też przyzwyczajenia, z którymi chcielibyśmy zerwać – a początek nowego roku to idealny moment, żeby zacząć pracować nad sobą! Specjalistka od behawiorystyki ludzkiej Katy Milkman w swoim poradniku pokazuje, jak pozbyć się niepożądanych nawyków i utrwalić w sobie nowe, pozytywne zachowania. W „Jak zmieniać" znajdziemy strategie działania, które pozwolą nam zmierzyć się np. z własnym lenistwem, zapominalstwem czy impulsywnością. To potężna dawka wiedzy i idealne wsparcie przy noworocznych postanowieniach!

„Czuła przewodniczka", Natalia de Barbaro

Bestseller, który w ostatnim roku przyciągnął masę czytelniczek. Czuła przewodniczka" to pełne wrażliwości spojrzenie na najważniejsze pytania, jakie można sobie zadać. Natalia de Barbaro pomaga w określeniu swoich marzeń i znalezieniu własnego, kobiecego głosu. Pokazuje, jak nakazy i wymogi kultury mogą wykrzywić nasze postrzeganie tego, kim naprawdę jesteśmy oraz czego chcemy od życia. Autorka dużo mówi o własnej intuicji i kobiecej mądrości – warto się w nią wsłuchać, szczególnie teraz!

„Dar. 12 lekcji, dzięki którym odmienisz swoje życie"

Wyjątkowa pozycja, która przypadnie do gustu także czytelnikom, którzy wcześniej omijali książki motywacyjne i psychologiczne szerokim łukiem. Ogromna w tym zasługa samej osoby autorki – doktor Edith Eger to niesamowita osoba. Popularna i doceniona terapeutka przetrwała Holokaust, a w swojej nowej książce dzieli się z nami radami dotyczącymi znalezienia radości w życiu. „Dar" składa się z osobistych historii autorki i jej pacjentów – pozwala w refleksyjnie przyjrzeć się życiu, zerwać z własnym strachem czy niepewnością oraz znaleźć sposoby na zmianę przyzwyczajeń i sposobu myślenia. Wbrew pozorom całość została napisana w lekkim, wręcz miejscami humorystycznym stylu. Wartościowa lektura, idealna na długie, zimowe wieczory.

„Dobrostan. O szczęśliwym, bogatym i spełnionym życiu", Agnieszka Maciąg

Początek stycznia to świetny moment, aby przyjrzeć się swoim dotychczasowym dokonaniom i zwrócić uwagę na te elementy, które chcielibyśmy zmienić w życiu. „Dobrostan" Agnieszki Maciąg to prawdziwa pigułka pozytywnego myślenia, która ułatwi nam wejście w Nowy Rok z lepszym nastawieniem. Autorka uczy pielęgnowania poczucia wolności i wdzięczności, za to, co nas spotyka. Przedstawia swoją drogę do wypracowania wewnętrznego spokoju i oderwania się od demonów przeszłości. Przypomina nam też, co naprawdę w życiu jest ważne. Warto przeczytać i przygotować się do własnej, wewnętrznej przemiany.
Chcesz wiedzieć więcej? Sprawdź wywiad z Agnieszką Maciąg na Empik Pasje.

„Atomowe nawyki. Drobne zmiany, niezwykłe efekty", James Clear

Jeżeli choć raz próbowaliście stanąć w szranki z postanowieniami noworocznymi i polegliście, dobrze wiecie, jak wielka jest siła nawyków. James Clear w swoim poradniku udowadnia, że na własną rękę możemy pozbyć się negatywnych przyzwyczajeń i pielęgnować te dobre – a wszystko to przyniesie szczęście! W „Atomowych nawykach" znajdziemy sprawdzone metody kształtowania pozytywnych zmian – a wszystko to w czterech prostych krokach! I nieważne, czy chodzi o palenie papierosów czy obgryzanie paznokci – James Clear ma receptę na tego typu zachowania. Warto ją poznać!

„Bądź skuteczny. 50 narzędzi rozwijających efektywność osobistą i zawodową", Mateusz Grzesiak

Wszystkim fanom rozwoju osobistego nie trzeba przedstawiać osoby Mateusza Grzesiaka – jednego z najpopularniejszych psychologów i trenerów motywacyjnych w Polsce. Jego nowa książka przybliży tajniki budowania dobrych przyzwyczajeń, które mają nam pomóc w osiągnięciu ustalonych celów – może to być np. chęć nauczenia się nowego języka, lepsze relacje z rodziną, zadbanie o swoje zdrowie czy kolejny sukces zawodowy. W „Bądź skuteczny" znajdziemy całą masę jasnych wskazówek i celnych porad, które z marszu możemy zacząć wdrażać w życie. Z takim wsparciem wejście w Nowy Rok i dbanie o swoje postanowienia z pewnością będzie łatwiejsze.

„Jak lepiej myśleć. Dla analizujących bez końca i wysoko wrażliwych", Christel Petitcollin

Poprzednia książka terapeutki Christel Petitcollin, „Jak mniej myśleć", okazała się gigantycznym międzynarodowym hitem. Jej kontynuacja to prawdziwy poradnik pozytywnego myślenia, po który warto sięgnąć, gdy planujemy zmiany w swoim życiu. Autorka korzysta z lat psychologicznego doświadczenia, aby pomóc nam w walce o szczęśliwe i spełnione życie. Z empatią oraz pełnym rozumieniem pochyla się nad problemem nadwrażliwości i niekończącego się analizowania, przekonując, że czasami lepiej mniej myśleć, a więcej działać. Tego typu porady na pewno przydadzą się na początku nowego roku.

„Nawyki warte miliony. Jak nauczyć się zachowań przynoszących bogactwo", Brian Tracy

Dla wielu z nas postanowienia noworoczne związane są w dużej mierze z aspektami finansowymi – w końcu kto by nie chciał lepiej oszczędzać czy więcej zarabiać? Brian Tracy przybliża w swoim poradniku metody finansowe milionerów – osób, które osiągnęły sukces w przeciągu jednego pokolenia. Nie zabraknie tu technik zarządzania majątkiem, działań ułatwiających osiągnięcie niezależności finansowej, ale też prostych rad związanych z obieraniem (i trzymaniem się!) wyznaczonych celów. To świetnie zaprojektowany podręcznik, który ułatwia naukę mądrych zachowań i budowanie pożądanych nawyków.

„Pieprzyć to! Jak przestać spełniać cudze oczekiwania, a zacząć własne", Alexandra Reinwrath

Alexandra Reinwrath, niemiecka dziennikarka i autorka poradników, w typowym dla siebie stylu przekonuje czytelników, że nauka siebie jest najważniejsza w osiągnięciu szczęścia. Wychodząc od własnych doświadczeń, pokazuje czytelnikom, że bez skupienia się na prawdziwie własnych decyzjach i marzeniach nie może być mowy o czerpaniu prawdziwej radości z życia. A próba zadowolenia innych zazwyczaj przynosi dokładnie odwrotne rezultaty. Do tego przy czytaniu tego poradnika na pewno nie poczujecie się znudzeni – Reinwrath od lat zdobywa fanów dowcipnym, ostrym stylem, który sprawia, że jej książki chłonie się szybko i zostają z nami długo. Warto się o tym przekonać na własną rękę!

A wy? Jakie macie postanowienia noworoczne? Dajcie znać w komentarzach. Więcej artykułów znajdziecie na Empik Pasje w dziale Czytam.
Zdjęcie okładkowe: źródło: shutterstock.com



Note: This blog post and brush set was originally created by Michelle Li

No more lazy days of summer if you’re a student or teacher. It’s time for you to go back to school. To help you get in the mood (if that’s possible), we created a special set of colored pencil brushes you can download and install that will get you back to the basics.

Using colored pencils takes a bit of practice — go big on the color when you practice.

Download the Free Brush Set

Simply download the Colored Pencils Brush Set for SketchBook and install it in the app, and you’ll always have a big batch of colored pencils on hand. We’ve created 25 brushes for you that represent a whole lot of different colors, including a white pencil for highlights and a colorless blender for smudging and smearing. While colored pencils are much more precise than basic art supplies like crayons, they aren’t completely clinical and one-note. They should have a little bit of texture to them, so we’ve made sure each of these 25 brushes have some slight variations.

Don’t forget you can change your background color, quickly choose complementary colors, and even add textured backgrounds.

Stretching Yourself with Colored Pencils

Do you remember drawing with colored pencils? What kind of things did you draw? This is a great opportunity for you to reconnect with the humble but noble colored pencil. Try these techniques:

  • Contrast your shading: Give yourself a refresher on shading by trying to shade using two contrasting or even complementary colors. One neat trick in SketchBook that you may not be aware of: When you choose any Copic Color, you’ll see a "Complementary Copic Color" suggested at the bottom of the Copic Library window.
  • Toned paper: Your background doesn’t have to be white. In fact, we remember drawing with colored pencils on colored paper, which taught us a thing or two about color. On the Background layer of your SketchBook file, you’ll see a white circle. Click on that to quickly choose a new background color.
  • Textured backgrounds: We remember placing our sheet of paper on books or tables or things that had texture to them, which would "indent" the paper a bit so that the texture showed though. You can do that in SketchBook by importing a texture and playing with its opacity or by trying out different Layer Styles. Don’t want any texture at all? Use that colorless blender to smooth it all out.
  • Banish extremes: Try not to use black and white at all. It’s tempting to always use white for highlights, but with colored pencils you have tons of colors to choose instead. Use pink or light blue or yellow for highlights or dark blues or purples instead of the standard black and white.

Installing the Brush Set

Being able to share and install these weekly free brush sets in the desktop app is one of the features for SketchBook subscribers. If you’re using the latest desktop version of SketchBook, simply double click on the .skbrushes file, and it will automatically install.

Weekly News for Designers № 602 - Refactoring CSS, Gridless Design, The New CSS Reset, Free Boxicons Icon Collection

Weekly News for Designers № 602

Pattern Collect – Browse this curated gallery of patterns from around the web.

Designing for the Unexpected – Thoughts on designing for situations and devices you didn’t anticipate.

GradientArt – Give this feature-packed, web-based CSS gradient editor a try.

The Current State of Homepage UX – 8 Common Pitfalls – A look at how well various eCommerce sites are doing, along with things to avoid in your own projects.

Refactoring CSS: Introduction (Part 1) – Dive into the process of analyzing your code, identifying weaknesses and creating solutions.

gridless.design – Interesting thoughts on moving beyond grid-based design.

Is It Time for Web Designers to Retire the Slider? – The slider was once a catch-all solution. But perhaps it has outlived its usefulness?

inLine – Use this free JavaScript library to create a simple text editor.

The New CSS Reset – Remove the default browser styling for HTML elements with this updated take on the classic CSS reset.

Items Every Web Designer Should Have in Their Office – From the basics to the frivolous, a collection of things to enhance your office.

10 Free CSS Snippets for Creating Responsive Pricing Tables – Build the perfect pricing table for your project with the help of these code snippets.

Illustrations – Use this Figma plugin to import high-quality free illustrations into your project.

Boxicons – Download this collection of beautifully simple vector icons.

CSS Bookmarklets for Testing and Fixing – How to build and test your own bookmarklets, with lots of examples included.

The 15 Best Free Graffiti Fonts – Create something that stands out with these free graffiti fonts.

ReSizr.in – This online tool will double the size of an uploaded image and reduce noise.

How To Network Properly: Networking For Designers 101 – How to adopt a refreshing approach to networking.

SketchKeys – These stickers provide a handy way to learn various keyboard shortcuts. Available for Figma, Sketch, Photoshop and more.

The Many Shades Of July (2021 Desktop Wallpapers Edition) — Smashing Magazine

The Many Shades Of July (2021 Desktop Wallpapers Edition)

About The Author

Cosima has been an editor at SmashingMag since 2013. Whenever she’s not writing articles for the weekly Smashing Newsletter, she’s probably working on a … More about Cosima ↬

Quick summary ↬ Let’s welcome July with some fresh desktop wallpapers. Designed by artists and designers from around the world, they are available with and without a calendar. Enjoy!

Often, it’s the little things that inspire us and that we treasure most. The sky shining in the most beautiful colors as a seemingly endless summer day comes to an end, riding your bike through a light rain shower on a hot July afternoon, or maybe it’s a scoop of your favorite ice cream that refuels your batteries? No matter what big and small adventures July will have in store for you this year, our new batch of wallpapers is bound to cater for some inspiration along the way.

More than ten years ago, we started this wallpapers series to bring you a new selection of beautiful, unique, and inspiring wallpapers every month. It’s a community effort, made possible by artists and designers from all across the globe who challenge their creative skills to cater for some good vibes on your screens. And, well, it wasn’t any different this time around.

In this post, you’ll find their wallpapers for July 2021. All of them come in versions with and without a calendar and can be downloaded for free. A huge thank-you to everyone who submitted their artworks — we sincerely appreciate it! As a little bonus goodie, we also compiled some favorites from past July editions at the end of this post. Maybe you’ll discover one of your almost-forgotten favorites in there, too? Happy July!

  • You can click on every image to see a larger preview,
  • We respect and carefully consider the ideas and motivation behind each and every artist’s work. This is why we give all artists the full freedom to explore their creativity and express emotions and experience through their works. This is also why the themes of the wallpapers weren’t anyhow influenced by us but rather designed from scratch by the artists themselves.

Submit a wallpaper!

Did you know that you could get featured in our next wallpapers post, too? We are always looking for creative talent! Join in! →

Against The Current

"‘I don’t care that they stole my idea. I care that they don’t have any of their own.’ July 10th marks 165 years since the birth of Nikola Tesla, inventor, engineer, and futurist who helped shape the world as we know it today. Tesla’s inventions brought electricity to all corners of the world, paved the way for wireless communication, and revolutionized energy production. But underneath all the discoveries and the good they brought, Tesla’s life is shrouded in mystery. His dream of free wireless energy, research on understanding the aether, and the enigmatic disappearance of his records leaves many questions unanswered." — Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.

Against The Current

Less Busy Work, More Fun!

Designed by ActiveCollab from the United States.

Less Busy Work, More Fun!

Summer Season

"I’m an avid runner, and I have some beautiful natural views surrounding my city. The Smoky Mountains are a bit further east, so I took some liberties, but Tennessee’s nature is nothing short of beautiful and inspiring." — Designed by Cam Elliott from Memphis, TN.

Summer Season


"Well, if I think about the month July, the first thing what comes up is summer. So I wanted a theme about summer and I went looking on the internet for summer things. And after a few ideas, I saw a flamingo and I just started to draw some things. And I loved the idea that if you put two flamingos together like I did here, a heart shape will grow." — Designed by Froukje from the Netherlands.


Nightly Carnival

"July brings the yearly carnival near my hometown, so I decided to design a summer evening carnival." — Designed by Bregje Damen from the Netherlands.

Nightly Carnival

Surfer Cat

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

Surfer Cat


"In July, the earth is farthest from the sun. That’s what inspired me to make a space-themed calendar for the month July." — Designed by Rosalie Toorians from the Netherlands.


The Ancient Device

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

The Ancient Device

Sweet As A Peach

"One of my favorite summer fruits for a few years now is the peach. It always reminds me of vacation and that brings me joy. Hope you all enjoy this month, too!" — Designed by Melissa Bogemans from Belgium.

Sweet As A Peach

Independence Day

"When you hear the word ‘July’, what comes to your mind? For us, it’s the ‘Fourth of July’, so our design team made a stunning wallpaper in commemoration of the Declaration of Independence of the United States." — Designed by Ever Increasing Circles from the United Kingdom.

Independence Day

Sun At Dawn

"I created a wallpaper that reminded me of late summer nights when the sun is slowly setting." — Designed by Bibi Goelema from the Netherlands.

Sun At Dawn

Ocean Full Of Stars

"I wanted to make something that reminded me of summer but I wanted to keep that dark and cozy vibe, so I decided to go with a whale swimming through space. Summer for me is a time to be free from responsibilities like school and to just hang around, which is what I wanted to make." — Designed by Ilse van Dinther from the Netherlands.

Ocean Full Of Stars

Artemis And Athena

"Artemis has the sign Cancer as a zodiac sign and this is also a zodiac sign in July. Athena was always celebrated during the month of July, in ancient Athens. Since I knew this, I decided to put those two together in a wallpaper. The way Athena and Artemis look are inspired by Lore Olympus." — Designed by Gigi Kim from the Netherlands.

Artemis And Athena

4th Of July And Apollo 11

"I’m a huge space nerd and wanted to celebrate the Apollo 11 moon landing in tandem with Independence Day." — Designed by Jelle Guit from the Netherlands.

4th Of July And Apollo 11

Roman Emperor

"The month of July was named after the famous Roman emperor Julius Caesar, and we like to think that if he lived in our time, he would use his vacation in the month named after him." — Designed by LibraFire from Serbia.

Roman Emperor

Colorful Summer

"Two weeks ago, I got the school assignment to make a wallpaper and send this to you. I have made this picture at Kronenburgerpark in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Since the coronavirus is on its way back, we can go back to the ‘old normal’ and do things we haven’t been able to do in over a year. So it will be a colorful summer. And that was my inspiration to take this picture and send it as a wallpaper." — Designed by Jorn Meijs from the Netherlands.

Colorful Summer

4th Of July

"Our teacher told us about the Smashing Magazine wallpapers. So we participated with our class to make a wallpaper." — Designed by Jarno van der Linden from the Netherlands.

4th Of July

Bentley Bentayga Speed

"If everything goes according to plan, the Bentley Bentayga Speed will drop on the first of July. I made this Bentley because I wanted to make something that I’m interested in myself. In my spare time I like to make car illustrations so I knew immediately the style that I wanted to use. I’m personally very excited for the drop of the Bentley." — Designed by Nick Geurds from the Netherlands.

Bentley Bentayga Speed

Oldies But Goodies

To make your July even more colorful, we compiled some wallpaper goodies from past years’ editions below. Please note that these designs don’t come with a calendar.

Birdie July

Designed by Lívi Lénárt from Hungary.

Birdie July

Eternal Summer

"And once you let your imagination go, you find yourself surrounded by eternal summer, unexplored worlds and all-pervading warmth, where there are no rules of physics and colors tint the sky under your feet." — Designed by Ana Masnikosa from Belgrade, Serbia.

Eternal Summer

Riding In The Drizzle

"Rain has come, showering the existence with new seeds of life. Everywhere life is blooming, as if they were asleep and the falling music of raindrops have awakened them. Feel the drops of rain. Feel this beautiful mystery of life. Listen to its music, melt into it." — Designed by DMS Software from India.

Riding In The Drizzle

Summer Cannonball

"Summer is coming in the northern hemisphere and what better way to enjoy it than with watermelons and cannonballs." — Designed by Maria Keller from Mexico.

Summer Cannonball

Strive For Progress, Not Perfection

"I created this wallpaper as a daily reminder that it’s better to take one small step towards my goal every day than to do nothing at all out of fear that it won’t be perfect. I hope you enjoy it and it helps you keep motivated every day!" — Designed by Andrew from the United States.

Strive For Progress, Not Perfection

Taste Like Summer!

"In times of clean eating and the world of superfoods there is one vegetable missing. An old, forgotten one. A flower actually. Rare and special. Once it had a royal reputation (I cheated a bit with the blue). The artichocke — this is my superhero in the garden! I am a food lover — you too? Enjoy it — dip it!" — Designed by Alexandra Tamgnoué from Germany.

Taste Like Summer!

Island River

"Make sure you have a refreshing source of ideas, plans and hopes this July. Especially if you are to escape from urban life for a while." — Designed by Igor Izhik from Canada.

Island River

Day Turns To Night

Designed by Xenia Latii from Germany.

Day Turns To Night

Captain Amphicar

"My son and I are obsessed with the Amphicar right now, so why not have a little fun with it?" — Designed by 3 Bicycles Creative from the United States.

Captain Amphicar!

Tropical Lilies

"I enjoy creating tropical designs, they fuel my wanderlust and passion for the exotic. Instantaneously transporting me to a tropical destination." — Designed by Tamsin Raslan from the United States.

Tropical Lilies

July Rocks!

Designed by Joana Moreira from Portugal.

July Rocks!

Alentejo Plain

"Based in the Alentejo region, in the south of Portugal, where there are large plains used for growing wheat. It thus represents the extensions of the fields of cultivation and their simplicity. Contrast of the plain with the few trees in the fields. Storks that at this time of year predominate in this region, being part of the Alentejo landscape and mentioned in the singing of Alentejo." — Designed by José Guerra from Portugal.

Alentejo Plain

Fire Camp

"What’s better than a starry summer night with an (unexpected) friend around a fire camp with some marshmallows? Happy July!" — Designed by Etienne Mansard from the UK.

Fire Camp


"Since I’m a big fan of Mid-Century Modern design, I changed George Nelson’s Starburst clock with 12 points — a fitting schematic of the sun with a spot-on summertime color palette — into a ‘sundial calendar’ with 31 points, one for each day of July. Illustrator’s Polar Grid tool helped get the spacing just right, and I retained the construction lines because the extra layer appealed to me. The warm yellow background is borrowed from his Kangaroo chair, and the typographic choice references the cover of Pentagram’s monograph, ‘George Nelson On Design.’" — Designed by Brian Frolo from Cleveland, Ohio, USA.


Hot Air Balloon

Designed by Studcréa from France

Hot Air Balloon

Ice Cream vs. Hot Dog

"It’s both ‘National Ice Cream Month’ and ‘National Hot Dog Month’ over in the US, which got me thinking — which is better? With this as your wallpaper, you can ponder the question all month!" — Designed by James Mitchell from the UK.

Ice Cream vs. Hot Dog

Night Sky Magic

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

Night Sky Magic

My July

Designed by Cátia Pereira from Portugal.

My July

Floral Thing

"The wallpaper which I created consists of my personal sketches of Polish herbs and flowers. I wanted it to be light and simple with a hint of romantic feeling. I hope you’ll enjoy it!" — Designed by Beata Kurek from Poland.

Smashing Desktop Wallpapers - July 2012


"I decided to create a wallpaper to bring this summer feeling to the desktop." — Designed by Mladen Milinovic from Germany.



Designed by Tekstografika from Russia.


An Intrusion Of Cockroaches

"Ever watched Joe’s Apartment when you were a kid? Well, that movie left a soft spot in my heart for the little critters. Don’t get me wrong: I won’t invite them over for dinner, but I won’t grab my flip flop and bring the wrath upon them when I see one running in the house. So there you have it… three roaches… bringing the smack down on that pesky human… ZZZZZZZAP!!" — Designed by Wonderland Collective from South Africa.

An Intrusion Of Cockroaches

Summer Never Ends!

"July is a very special month to me — it’s the month of my birthday and of the best cherries." — Designed by Igor Izhik from Canada.

Summer Never Ends!

Melting July

"July often brings summer heat and we all wish for something cold to take it away… If you take a closer look, you will see an ice cream melting from the sunset. Bon appetite!" — Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.

Melting July
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Free Sticker Maker with Online Templates | Adobe Spark

Free sticker maker.

Choose from our sticker templates to create your own design in minutes.

Create your stickers now

Design a shareable and wearable sticker with Adobe Spark Post.

Stickers are an excellent creative tool. You can use stickers to mark an achievement, label a gift, decorate a water bottle or locker, or even a car bumper, among so many other applications. Explore professionally designed sticker templates from Adobe Spark Post that you can customize for whatever you need. Then, you can print your sticker at home or with a professional printer to share with all your friends and family. It’s as easy as choosing a template, customizing, and sharing.

yellow good job star sticker Sticker

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botanical monogram square sticker Sticker

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heart shaped honey sticker Sticker

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oval movie lover sticker Sticker

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circular citrus sticker Sticker

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blue dreamer circular sticker  Sticker

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Create your stickers now

How to make a sticker.

  1. Start with inspiration.
    We hook you up with thousands of professionally designed templates, so you’re never starting from a blank canvas. Search by platform, task, aesthetic, mood, or color to have fresh inspiration at your fingertips. Once you find a graphic to start from, just tap or click to open the document in the editor.

  2. Remix it to make it your own.
    There are lots of ways to personalize your sticker templates. Change up the copy and font. Sub out the imagery with your own photos. Or browse from thousands of free images right in Adobe Spark. Spend as little or as much time as you want to make the graphic your own. With a premium plan, you can even auto-apply your brand logo, colors, and fonts, so you’re always #onbrand.

  3. Customize your sticker shape.
    Typically, your canvas size is Adobe Spark Post will be a square or a rectangle. If that shape works for you, you can customize your sticker’s specific size using the "Re-size" tab. Or, for a different look, click on the main image in your sticker, then select "Shape Crop" to choose from fun alternative border shapes. You can also find icons from Adobe Spark’s icon gallery that feature cutouts to create a personalized border for your sticker. Enjoy playing around with your cutout sticker design options.

  4. Amp up the flair.
    It’s easy to add extra flair and personality to your projects with Adobe Spark’s exclusive design assets. Add animated stickers from GIPHY or apply a text animation for short-form graphic videos in one tap. We’ve taken care of all the boring technical stuff so you can focus on your message and style. You can also add collaborators to your project, so you can have more hands-on-deck bringing your design to life.

  5. Re-size to make your content go further.
    Gone are the days of having to memorize image dimensions for every single platform. Once you’ve landed on a design you like, you can easily modify it for any social network by using Adobe Spark’s handy, auto-magical re-size feature. Simply duplicate the project, hit re-size, and select the platform you want to adapt it for, and our AI will take care of the rest. Boom. Content for all your channels in a fraction of the time.

  6. Save and share your sticker design.
    Once your sticker design is complete, hit that publish button. Instantly download it to print at home, at work, or with a professional printer. Or share your design digitally via link-sharing or posting it to your social media platforms. Adobe Spark saves your creations, so you can always revisit your project if you need to update it or repurpose it.

Design a sticker that makes a statement with creativity on your side.

Adobe Spark inspires you to think outside the box when it comes to starting a new project. Create countless sticker designs for any event, gathering, or festive time of year. Then, duplicate your sticker design right in Adobe Spark Post to repurpose it for branded business cards, social graphics, icons, profile photos, web banners, and so much more. There are endless creative opportunities to make your next ice cream project as sweet as can be.

Let Adobe Spark be your sticker design expert.

Hone your creativity with the power of Adobe Spark Post. Explore professionally designed templates to get your wheels spinning or create your own sticker from scratch. Establish a theme for your designs using photos, icons, logos, personalized fonts, and other customizable elements to make them feel entirely authentic. Duplicate designs and re-size them to create consistency across multiple types of assets. With Adobe Spark Post, it’s free and easy to make, save, and share your designs within minutes so you can add collaborators, get approval, and share your creative masterpiece.